Articles by Mary Gelinas and Roger James:
Meaningful Public Conversations, 2008
Redrawing Our Change Management Map, 2002
Guiding Successful Transition Journeys, 2001
Organizational Purpose: Foundation for the Future, 1999
Leading and Transforming Organizations, 1999
12 Deadly Sins of Change, 1999
Improving How We Manage Change, 1998
The Challenge of the New Millenium, Creating a World in Which our Descendants can Thrive, 1998
Creating Real and Lasting Change Through Collaborative Organization Design, 1997
Creating Profound Change Through Collaborative Organization Design, 1992
Articles by others:
Interview with Mary Gelinas and Roger James, 1997
By: Gene Hendrix
Book Review of Developing The Foundation For Change (1995)
By: Ken Blanchard, 1997
The Empowerment Effort That Came Undone, 1994
By: Lawrence R. Rothstein, with commentary by Gelinas James, Inc.